Programs and Services

Bike Registration

The Somers Point Police Department offers Bicycle Registrations to the Residents of the City. Bike registrations are done every Saturday from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Registering your bike will assist us in returning a recovered bike to the proper owner. Make sure you provide serial numbers and other information as it relates to your bike so that it may be properly registered. For any questions, please contact our None Emergency Line at 609-927-6161. 

Handicapped Permits

The Somers Point Police Department will provide Temporary Handicapped Parking Permits with proper paperwork provided. Please contact Lieutenant Charles Somers at 609-927-9088 Ext. 104 to arrange pick up and drop off of application paperwork. He can be reached Monday through Friday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. 
