Welcome to the Somers Point Police Department Website, here you find information as to the numerous programs and services we provide. We are committed to providing optimal service to those we serve. I encourage you to visit the site and comment on your police department. We are here to provide you professional police service at all times. I welcome your input and hope that you will take an active role in helping us help you for the betterment of our community.
-Chief Robert Somers
The Somers Point Police Department has begun to deploy Body Worn Cameras (BWC) technology. The this is a notice of the deployment of Watchguard Vista Cameras Audio/ Visual Recording Units. We have procurred these cameras with funds authorized through the Attorney General's Grant for BWCs using state forfeiture money. These BWCs will be be utilized in accordance with teh Attorney General's directive, Atlantic County Prosecutor's Office directive, and the Somers Point Police Department Policy.